Why a Holistic Dentist in Weyauwega Offers Alternative Dental Materials
November 15, 2018
No one likes to be told that they have a damaged tooth that requires repairing to function. Unfortunately, damaged teeth will only continue to break down if left untreated, making it an essential treatment for preventing future complications. However, if your main concern is having metal materials in your mouth, you don’t have to settle for amalgam fillings or metal crowns. Even if you intend on getting a dental implant for a missing tooth, it does not necessarily need to be made from titanium to integrate properly.
To learn how a holistic dentist in Weyauwega can meet your accommodations, keep reading!
A Holistic Dentist in Weyauwega Explains How Oral pH Works
November 6, 2018
Everyone knows that brushing, flossing and visiting a holistic dentist in Weyauwega are the most important steps to take when practicing oral hygiene. Unfortunately, many people don’t seem to take their diet into account when trying to maintain healthy teeth and gums. In fact, many people don’t even see it as an issue, but they are mistaken. The foods and beverages you drink can make a big difference, as well as other habits you should know.
To understand this better, we need to understand the pH scale and how your mouth’s acidity affects your risk of dental disease.
A Family Dentist Says Some Candy CAN Be Good for Teeth
October 21, 2018
This Halloween season, you may be worried about trick-or-treating leaving your child’s smile in danger of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health hazards. You don’t want to be a spoilsport who says NO to the big night out in costume, but you also don’t want to wreck your little one’s oral health as a result. Did you know your family dentist actually promotes the use of SOME candy — for adults and kids alike? It’s true. Keep reading to learn more about the oral health benefits of what’s known as xylitol, and where you can find the candy that will actually promote a cleaner, healthier, and happier smile.
How Can Ozone Therapy in Weyauwega Help Me? A Dentist Explains
October 12, 2018
According to numerous medical and dental communities, the issue of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and aggressive viruses has become more and more apparent over the years. This has resulted in doctors of both fields opting for alternative solutions when providing treatments. Ozone therapy is just one of those solutions.
Many people have misconceptions about ozone, which is why a dentist knowledgeable on the subject wants to break it down in more detail. Today, we’ll be discussing exactly what ozone therapy in Weyauwega is and how it relates to dentistry.
The Surprising Link between TMJ and Sleep Apnea in Wayauwega
September 20, 2018
Sleep apnea in Wayauwega is a serious condition that affects many people in our area. While the problem has many potential causes, a growing body of evidence suggests that TMJ is a major risk factor. This means that treating TMJ symptoms can, for many people, also relieve the effects of sleep apnea.