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Understanding Tooth Pain: When to Seek Emergency Care

August 12, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drtwohig @ 8:47 pm
man experiencing tooth pain

Tooth pain, no matter how mild, should never be considered normal. It’s your body’s way of signaling that something is wrong in your mouth. Ignoring it can lead to serious consequences, so it’s essential to address the issue promptly. However, determining whether your toothache requires an immediate visit to the emergency dentist or if it can wait until your next scheduled appointment can be challenging. If you’re unsure, read on to learn when tooth pain needs urgent care, what can happen if it’s ignored, and tips for managing your discomfort.

When to Visit Your Emergency Dentist

If your tooth pain is manageable with over-the-counter medication or home remedies, it’s likely safe to wait until your next dentist appointment. However, if the pain is severe and unrelieved by medication, it’s important to schedule an emergency dental visit as soon as possible.

Here are some signs that indicate your tooth requires immediate attention:

  • Pain When Pressure is Applied – If your tooth hurts when touched or when you bite down, it could be a sign of a severe cavity or a faulty dental restoration, both of which require prompt treatment.
  • Swollen Jaw – Swelling around your neck or jaw can indicate an infection that may be spreading. This situation is potentially life-threatening and requires urgent dental care.
  • Fractured Tooth or Dental Restoration – A chipped tooth or damaged restoration should be repaired immediately to prevent sensitivity and avoid the sharp edges from cutting your gums, tongue, or cheek.

Consequences of Ignoring Tooth Pain

Persistent tooth pain often points to cavities or an infection. Ignoring it can allow the issue to worsen, as the infection may spread to the tooth’s pulp, causing severe sensitivity and even pain when talking. If decay is left untreated, it can lead to nerve death at the root of the tooth. At this stage, the pain might suddenly stop, misleading you into thinking the problem has resolved itself. However, this is often a sign that the infection has advanced, and a fully formed abscess may develop later, causing the pain to return even more intensely.

Tips for Managing Tooth Pain

While waiting for your dental appointment, there are several ways to manage tooth pain:

  • Apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and numb the discomfort
  • Rinse with warm salt water to cleanse the area and reduce inflammation
  • Use dental floss to carefully floss around the affected tooth to remove any debris that might be exacerbating the pain
  • Take over-the-counter pain medication as needed to help manage your discomfort in the meantime

If you’re dealing with a severe toothache, don’t hesitate to reach out to your nearest emergency dentist. They can provide the prompt care you need to relieve your pain and address the underlying issue, ensuring your oral health is restored as quickly as possible!

About the Author

Dr. William Twohig is committed to providing exceptional dental care and offers a wide range of services to address tooth decay, gum disease, and other common dental issues. His goal is to improve the health and well-being of you and your family through natural treatment options. If need to schedule an emergency dental appointment, visit our website or call (534) 429-5965.

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